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What is a RWC in Australia?

A RWC, or Roadworthy Certificate, certifies that a vehicle has passed a safety inspection and is fit to be driven on public roads in Australia.


#driving #certifications

Last Updated:

Jun 16, 2024

What does RWC mean in Australia?

In Australia, a Roadworthy Certificate (RWC) is an essential document that verifies a vehicle meets the minimum safety standards to be driven on public roads. This certificate is particularly important when a vehicle is being sold, re-registered, or transferred between states or territories. The criteria for a roadworthy inspection can vary by state, but generally include checks on the vehicle’s lights, tires, brakes, steering, windows, and overall structure to ensure everything is in safe working order.

The process of obtaining an RWC involves taking the vehicle to a licensed vehicle tester, usually found at designated service stations, garages, or workshops authorised by the local transport authority. The tester will inspect the vehicle against the state’s specific roadworthy standards and issue the certificate if the vehicle passes the inspection. If the vehicle fails, the owner will receive a report detailing what needs to be fixed and will typically have a set period to make the repairs and have the vehicle re-inspected.

Having a current RWC is crucial for maintaining road safety and is legally required for selling a used car or completing registration changes. It assures buyers and authorities that the vehicle is safe to operate, not just mechanically sound but also legally compliant with road safety standards.

What is the equivalent to RWC in Latin America?

The equivalent to a RWC in some other Latin American countries is:

  • 🇨🇴 Colombia: Revision Tecnicomecánica y de Gases - It’s a technical and emissions test required for all vehicles, that is generally required when selling a vehicle.

  • 🇦🇷 Argentina: Verificación Técnica Vehicular (VTV) - This is the vehicle technical verification required in many provinces.

  • 🇨🇱 Chile: Revisión Técnica - A mandatory technical review to ensure vehicles meet safety and emissions standards.

  • 🇧🇷 Brazil: Vistoria de Segurança Veicular - Vehicle safety inspection required in some states, especially for commercial vehicles.

  • 🇲🇽 Mexico: Verificación Vehicular - A vehicle verification system primarily focused on emissions; not all states require a safety test.

How is RWC normally used in conversation?

Here are some examples of how RWC is used in day to day life in Australia:

Before I can sell my car, I need to get a RWC to show it’s in good condition.

Can you recommend a place nearby where I can get a RWC inspection done?

Make sure the used car you’re buying comes with a valid RWC to avoid any legal issues.

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